Elliott shares his story of homelessness and hope.
A Spirit of Service
Elliot’s life is focused on serving others. He volunteered to join the Army where he was in air defense artillery, identifying enemy planes.
After receiving an Associate’s degree from Reading Area Community College, he pursued a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work from Alvernia University and became a caseworker for Berks County Children and Youth Services. His desire to continue learning influenced his decision to attend Marywood University where he received a Master’s Degree in Social Work. After graduation, he enjoyed a successful career as a caseworker in various mental health agencies throughout Berks County.
By 2015, Elliot experienced a myriad of health symptoms. Tests revealed that he was in kidney failure and needed to begin dialysis treatment. With his undaunting spirit to help others, he continued to work in the mental health field. In 2017, he experienced another medical setback and required open heart surgery. Undeterred, he continued to help others through his work in the mental health field.
By 2019 his health issues increased and he was unable to work. After a trip to Puerto Rico, he realized all the love and support he needed was here in Reading, PA. He returned home to family and friends who provided emotional support to him. But Elliot was homeless.
He contacted Opportunity House and was connected with a caseworker who provided what he needed at that moment. “ I was homeless and so grateful to Kim for connecting me to a place to stay and all the support that I needed,” noted Elliott.
“I would recommend Kim to any veteran or other individual who is experiencing homelessness. She will be able to help you,” said Elliott.
For many people asking for help is difficult. At Opportunity House, we are here to help homeless men, women and children in Reading and Berks County. Our goal is to help you become stably housed and maintain long-term permanent housing.
Are you homeless? Opportunity House welcomes homeless Veterans and others who are in need of emergency shelter. Call us at 610-374-4696 ext 247.