What Opportunity House Does for Vets

The world had seemingly given up on Scott, a Navy veteran. But with your help, this vet built a new life from scratch: a rewarding job, his own little place, and a meaningful, productive life.

After a normal life and 20 years of full-time employment in warehouse work, I’d lost my job. It was only a matter of time before I was evicted from my place. So I made the trip from Hamburg to Opportunity House. It was sad, but I knew I had to be prepared.

At Opportunity House, I met with a case manager who works with vets. She told me that the Veterans Program could help, and to come back when it was time. Five months later, I did come back — with two bags of clothing and a few personal items. I’d been in the hospital only four days before, and when I was released I had nowhere to go. The program tied me in with Veterans Affairs and services I didn’t know I was entitled to. I got everything I needed — a place to sleep, meals, and eventually permanent housing. A month later, Opportunity House hired me full-time to scan the books it sells online, through its reuse and recycle program. At that time, there were nearly a million books to be scanned!

I lost that job after seven weeks — because I was promoted to manager of online book sales. So, I don’t scan books anymore — I sell them. It’s a perfect job for a reader like me. This place opened up a whole new life for me — a better life. I’m thankful for this place, and for the community support that makes what they do possible.


A Fighting Spirit to Overcome Homelessness-Opportunity House

“My mom taught me how to keep fighting and not to give up. My dad taught me to dream.” Those traits are part of her DNA that has helped her survive abuse, homelessness, and despair. Today, as Tara* is rebuilding her life, her internal motivation drives her while her Zen-like calmness gives her peace through […]