Looking for nonprofits worthy of your time, money, and items in Berks County?
Opportunity House would like to request consideration as your charitable focus. Our mission to provide shelter and assistance for people experiencing homelessness never ends, and we’re ever grateful for help through financial donations, short-term and long-term volunteers, and donations of new items for the shelter or gently used items for the thrift store.
The Many Branches of Opportunity House
Opportunity House is an emergency homeless shelter in Reading, PA. Operating since 1984, as our understanding of homelessness, and our capacity, has evolved, so has our approach to the problem.
We offer 24/7 shelter with three meals and a snack daily, laundry and shower facilities, and case management services. Clients who come to Opportunity House get more than a place to sleep; they receive a second opportunity at life.
Beyond everyday essentials, Opportunity House extends our efforts to early childhood education through the Second Street Learning Center, eco-responsibility through the reuse and recycle program, and support for achieving and sustaining long-term housing through our temporary and permanent housing units.
Currently, we serve 500 residents at our shelter each year. They receive breakfast, lunch, supper, and a snack; self-care essentials; and case management to identify and secure support services to help individual clients overcome obstacles that prevent them from being permanently housed.
The services we secure for residents may be as basic as helping them obtain ID and licenses to as extensive as providing life skills and job skills training. We also identify any physical health issues, mental health issues, or substance abuse problems that impede housing.
Interested in Supporting the Work of Opportunity House?
Opportunity House’s work depends on various support sources – from companies down to the compassionate private citizen. Whether you can give financially in possessions or time, your support allows us to continue our mission.
Money is the most straightforward way to meet our needs. Grants, corporate gifts, and fundraisers that we hold annually provide much of our budget, but we also rely on donations from generous individuals. Credit/debit cards, checks, and cash are all welcome. We’ll even accept gifts of stocks or other financial products.
In-kind donations of items are also helpful at the shelter. We routinely provide residents with the things they need and don’t have, so we’re grateful when donors drop off unopened and new socks, underwear, sports bras, toiletries, feminine hygiene products, bladder control products, laundry soap, bottled water, baby necessities, and other regularly needed items. If you’d like to help in this way, consider calling the shelter to see our most immediate needs at 610-374-4696 ext 221.
OppShop also welcomes pre-owned item donations, but these donations should be in like-new or good condition, goods that can be sold in the thrift store. Every cent of OppShop’s proceeds go toward the work of Opportunity House, so we appreciate every saleable item that our supporters donate.
This work also helps the environment by promoting the reuse of items and recycling those that we don’t sell within the thrift store.
In addition to money and items, donors can choose to give of themselves by volunteering with us. Help organize and hold a fundraiser, pull together a group to provide service for a day, prepare and serve a meal at the shelter, or come into OppShop and help with the day-to-day retail tasks of greeting customers and stocking shelves.
Opportunity House in Berks County deserves consideration if you’re considering supporting the work of area nonprofits. We invite you to read a few of our success stories!