Client Success Story: Jeremy Winchester

Six years ago, Jeremy Winchester, a 29-year-old from Reading, Pennsylvania, found himself homeless with no place to go. “They just kind of picked me up off my feet,” Winchester remarks about his time at Opportunity House. Winchester took shelter at Opportunity House for a year while he worked to get himself back on his feet. He found himself helping out in the kitchen, picking up donations and helping in the garden. Today, Winchester and his wife Rosa, whom he met while living at the shelter, reside in Reading where they are incredibly involved in their church community. When asked what piece of advice he would give to someone struggling with his or her living situation, Winchester immediately responded “Never give up. When we [Winchester and Rosa] work with the homeless, we try to help the best we can because we understand what it’s like.”

Jeremy Winchester

Today, Winchester values the sense of responsibility that he gained during his time in the kitchen and at Opportunity House. Winchester is just one of Opportunity House’s many success stories whom we are incredibly proud of. Every day we have new clients moving in and moving out of the shelter. We, along with our supportive volunteers and donors, strive to help them in every way we can.

By: Liza Gallen


Addiction Lead to Homelessness and Redemption–Opportunity House

“When is the bus stopping? I need a cigarette.”  You’d expect to hear that from people who have an addiction to cigarettes.  They don’t sound like life-saving words, but they were. When Terrance left Atlanta to return to Pennsylvania, he had no plans.  His girlfriend died. Her children didn’t want him around. He was returning […]