HElping Veterans 

Providing housing assistance and  supportive services to veteranS

Veterans ServicesVeterans who need emergency shelter are welcomed at Opportunity House. 

We provide emergency shelter for Veterans and their families.  We will help you connect to the Veteran Administration Services and community resources to help you get back on your feet. 

Our goal is to help you become stably housed, prevent and reduce the episodes of homelessness, and provide the support you need to maintain long-term stable housing. 

“Opportunity House changes lives by educating, housing, feeding, and empowering people to stand on their own feet.”


Alvin’s Story: From Despair to Gratitude –Opportunity House

Alvin was never afraid of hard work. After growing up in Douglassville, Alvin began his career at Gudebrod in Pottstown. When the plant closed, he began working at Stanley Flagg. Eventually, he got a job loading trucks at Boscov’s Department Store.    Alvin always lived in the home grew up in. When his mother died in […]