Helping Hands for Veterans

“We want to help Veterans.”   We love getting those calls from churches, civic groups, and individuals who want to provide helping hands for Veterans at Opportunity House.

Each year, churches like St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Orwigsburg, PA fulfill their mission of “God’s Work, Our Hands” through service projects that include Opportunity House and their Veteran Program.

Case manager, Victoria suggested this project for her church.  She provided a list of suggested items for members to collect including basic household items like pots, pans, towels, dishcloths, shower curtains, silverware, plates, and cups. These items are essential for Veterans who are starting may be starting a new chapter of their lives in a new apartment.

Veteran Wish List

Veterans appreciate these essential items.

Toiletries like shampoo, conditioner, soap, body wash, shaving cream, deodorant, toothbrushes, and toothpaste are always welcomed and appreciated.  These items provide a much-needed helping hand for Veterans who experienced homelessness through eviction or other circumstances.

We Welcome Your Helping Hands for Veterans

Providing essential items for Veterans is a great way to thank those who have served our country.  If your organization, family, church, or others are interested in a service project, we’ll work with you to provide a list of things we can use.  Call us at 374-4696 to learn how you can help homeless veterans.

Effective 10/1/22 Opportunity House no longer manages the Supportive Services for Veteran Families grant in Schuylkill County. For assistance, please call Catholic Charities at (610) 435-1541.

© 2021 Opportunity House


Addiction Lead to Homelessness and Redemption–Opportunity House

“When is the bus stopping? I need a cigarette.”  You’d expect to hear that from people who have an addiction to cigarettes.  They don’t sound like life-saving words, but they were. When Terrance left Atlanta to return to Pennsylvania, he had no plans.  His girlfriend died. Her children didn’t want him around. He was returning […]