A Letter of Appreciation from Sandy Z

Clients share their experience of being homeless and share their gratitude for Opportunity House helping them get back on their feet.  Sandy shares her unique journey to becoming stably housed.

My name is Sandy Z. I came to Opportunity House on November 19, 2019. I was homeless in Pottsville and had nowhere to go. I had no income at the time and suffered from disabilities. I came to Opportunity House with no identification, and they assisted me in obtaining the necessary documents and to apply for Social Security benefits. Opportunity House provided rides to appointments during my time there so I could attend all my needed doctor appointments. During my time at Opportunity House, I learned to stand up for myself, and I learned to become strong and independent. I made friends while I was here and continue to visit Opportunity House daily since moving out into permanent housing on June 16, 2023. My case manager helped connect me to a permanent housing program through S.A.M (Service Access Management) I enjoy coming to the S.M.I.L.E program Monday through Friday, even though I exited the shelter a few months ago. Opportunity House provides me with access to the food pantry and continues to provide me with budgeting services and bill pay. I would recommend Opportunity House to anyone who is experiencing homelessness and in need of services. I would still be homeless if it were not for the services of Opportunity House.

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Alvin’s Story: From Despair to Gratitude –Opportunity House

Alvin was never afraid of hard work. After growing up in Douglassville, Alvin began his career at Gudebrod in Pottstown. When the plant closed, he began working at Stanley Flagg. Eventually, he got a job loading trucks at Boscov’s Department Store.    Alvin always lived in the home grew up in. When his mother died in […]