Opportunity House Celebrates Core Value Champion: Julia

We recognize and celebrate our fellow team members who live and demonstrate our core values in their work each day at Opportunity House.

First name: Julia

Julia's work as a case manager at Opportunity House reflects our core values each day.

Title:  Case Manager /Shelter 

Core Value demonstrated: #1 We are passionate about empowering people to improve their lives.

Living Our Core Values: Julia recently moved an elderly woman into housing. Her son would not support this move and wanted to place her in a nursing home. Julia empowered the client to move forward with her personal plan, transported her to see the rental, and provided hands-on assistance to her throughout the entire move. She continues to support the client through the after-care program.

Thank you, Julia, for being an example of the core values of Opportunity House.


A Fighting Spirit to Overcome Homelessness-Opportunity House

“My mom taught me how to keep fighting and not to give up. My dad taught me to dream.” Those traits are part of her DNA that has helped her survive abuse, homelessness, and despair. Today, as Tara* is rebuilding her life, her internal motivation drives her while her Zen-like calmness gives her peace through […]