Opportunity House Celebrates Iran’s 20th Anniversary

OHHappyAnniversary Fcbk IranName:  Iran                                                                  

Department/Job title:  Opportunity House Second Street Learning Center/ Teacher Aide                     

Years of Service:  20 years

Family:  Mother, Jessie G

5 Fun Facts About Iran

  1. Favorite food: Lasagna
  2. Favorite colors: red and blue
  3. Your dream vacation spot: Bahamas
  4. Favorite book: Books written by Stephen King
  5. Favorite season of the year: Summer

What is your idea of the perfect day off from work? Sit home, relax, and watch television.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?  Being with the kids.


Addiction Lead to Homelessness and Redemption–Opportunity House

“When is the bus stopping? I need a cigarette.”  You’d expect to hear that from people who have an addiction to cigarettes.  They don’t sound like life-saving words, but they were. When Terrance left Atlanta to return to Pennsylvania, he had no plans.  His girlfriend died. Her children didn’t want him around. He was returning […]